Stakeholder perspectives on potential effects of irrigation agriculture on wildlife conservation: The case study of irrigation farming in Kenya


  • Richard Mose Kisii University, Departments of Tourism and Natural Resources
  • Philip Omenge Nyumba Foundation, Division of Environment, Safeguards and Engineering
  • Levi Mulupi Agricultural Development Corporation, Galana Kulalu Complex
  • Jonnathan Yeri Nyumba Foundation
  • Philip Manwa University of Nairobi School of Engineering, Department of Geospatial and Space Technology
  • Harun Mbogua Wairimu National Irrigation Authority, Galana Kulalu Food Security Project



wildlife, Irrigation agriculture, Community, Land, Water


The study sought to examine the community and stakeholders’ perspectives on the effect of irrigation agriculture on wildlife in Galana Kulalu, Kenya. The study was based on four hypotheses, which were that water uptake for irrigation agriculture had no significant effect on wildlife in Galana, land use change to irrigation agriculture had no significant effect on wildlife in Galana, there was no significant change in policy and planning for wildlife management in Galana ranch as a result of irrigation agriculture and that, the stakeholders and community members in Galana were not going to be significantly affected by irrigation agriculture in Galana. Mixed methods were used to collect primary and secondary data, and both qualitative and quantitative data were collected and analyzed using SPSS version 22 and IBM Amos version 21. Measurement and Structural Equation models were developed and analyzed.  Hypotheses test results based on path analysis showed that wildlife was significantly associated with water (β=-1.156, t= -13.710, P<.001), with land (β=1.101, t= 38.654, P<.001), with policy and planning, (β=.892, t= 64.108, P<.001) and with the community, (β=-1.000, t= -7.650, P<.001). Most stakeholders and community members opine that irrigation agriculture will reduce the range and water available for wildlife in Galana. The study recommends further studies targeting an understanding of how specific wildlife species will be affected by irrigation agriculture.


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How to Cite

Mose, R., Omenge, P., Mulupi, L., Yeri, J., Manwa, P., & Mbogua Wairimu, H. (2024). Stakeholder perspectives on potential effects of irrigation agriculture on wildlife conservation: The case study of irrigation farming in Kenya. Sustainability and Biodiversity Conservation, 3(2), 78–98.