Current population status, threats, and conservation of Kashmir Markhor, in Chitral Gol National Park, Pakistan
Kashmir Markhor, Population status, CGNP, Threats, ConservationAbstract
Markhor (Capra falconeri) is the national animal of Pakistan. Five subspecies of markhor are believed to occur in Pakistan. One subspecies, the so-called Chiltan markhor, was found to be a wild goat (Capra hircus), and the other four subspecies were reduced to two, the straight and flare-horned markhor. In Pakistan, the distribution range of markhor extends from the mountains of Balochistan to the north of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Globally, the markhor was listed as ‘Endangered’ in the IUCN Red List up to 2015. However, the status of Markhor was down-listed to ‘Near Threatened on the IUCN Red List’ in 2015. The Capra falconer cashmiriensis (Kashmir markhor or Pir Panjal markhor) and Capra falconeri falconeri (Astor markhor) also known as flare-horned markhor live in the Himalayan ranges. The main objective of our current study is to investigate the current population status, threats, and possible conservation measurements of this flare-horned markhor in Chitral Gol National Park (CGNP). CGNP is a home of several mammals including markhor, and Capra falconeri (Both flare-horned markhor). Field surveys were conducted in winter, December 2021 during the rut session, and also data were collected through questionnaire-based interviews with wildlife rangers, local hunters, local communities, and shepherds. The current data obtained were compared with the past data of different researchers. A total of 2278 Kashmir Markhor (Capra falconeri cashmierinsis) individuals including kids, yearlings, females, and males were recorded as 636, 568, 804, and 270 respectively. As compared to previous studies and data, we have concluded in the current study, that the population of Markhor in Chitral Gol National Park is in good condition.
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