Biodiversity loss due to mining activities
Biodiversity Loss, Surface Mining, Open-Pit Mining, Bioaccumulation, Restoration and RehabilitationAbstract
Mining activities, while essential for resource extraction and economic development, often take a heavy toll on biodiversity and the variety of life on Earth. The environmental consequences of mining extend far beyond the immediate extraction sites, affecting ecosystems, species, and even human communities. The pursuit of valuable minerals and metals drives large-scale land clearing, leading to the direct destruction of natural habitats. Mining operations, spanning various methods and scales, exert diverse pressures on ecosystems worldwide. The paper examines the direct and indirect consequences on plant and animal species, microbial communities, and habitats. It explores the differential sensitivities of various organisms to habitat disruption, pollution, and alterations in soil and water quality. The review highlights the importance of considering unique species and ecosystem responses to mining, emphasizing the nuanced interplay between different taxonomic groups. Through a comprehensive examination of existing literature, this review contributes to a holistic understanding of the complex interactions between mining activities and biodiversity. It seeks to inform researchers and industry stakeholders about the necessity of adopting sustainable practices to balance resource extraction with the preservation of global biodiversity.
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