Aims & Scope

Sustainability and Biodiversity Conservation (SBC) is an international, interdisciplinary, Biannual journal covering a wide range of topics, from various fields of sustainable development, sustainability, wildlife and ecosystems rehabilitation and resilience, wildlife ecology and biology to different aspects of biodiversity conservation. SBC was founded in 2022 by the Biodiversity Conservation Society and encourages and welcomes: reviews, editorials, original research papers and short notes in the fields of sustainability and biodiversity, written in English, without any geographic limitation. However, contributions covering the Palearctic and Oriental biogeographic regions are particularly encouraged. Book reviews, of relevant topics in basic wildlife research and biology, are accepted in a limited scope.

The journal is devoted to the publication of high-quality papers on all aspects of biodiversity (marine and terrestrial), biology, particularly ecology, systematics, and conservation Quantitative analyses and modeling of animal populations and their habitats are encouraged and have priority.

All manuscript submissions are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor-in-Chief/Editorial Team, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by at least two independent, anonymous referees with recognized competence within their field of research and by a Subject Editor appointed by the Editor-in-Chief. All peer review is double-blind and submission is online via online submission system or via the direct email address of "". All articles appear with both the dates of receipt and final acceptance and with the name of the Subject Editor.


  • Ecosystems and biodiversity change
  • Biodiversity monitoring
  • Nature conservation
  • Biological and ecological interactions
  • Ecosystem and community analyses
  • Conservation biology
  • Morphology and taxonomy
  • Evolutionary biology, wildlife genetics and genomics
  • Biogeography
  • Theoretical and conceptual aspects of biodiversity
  • Behavioral biology