Effects of swidden agriculture on chameleon diversity and abundance in eastern tropical rainforest in Madagascar
Abundance, Chameleon, Corridor Ankeniheny-Zahamena, Distribution, Eastern Madagascar, Habitat typesAbstract
We studied the impact of habitat change on the chameleon distribution and abundance in Madagascar's eastern tropical rainforest using distance sampling with line-transect and asses species' microhabitat preference. Three zones of interest around the Corridor Ankeniheny-Zahamena were visited over three periods February to April 2014, October to December 2014, and January to April 2015. Five habitat types were targeted: closed canopy forest, tree fallow, shrub fallow, degraded land, and reforestation plot. Following the previous study, habitat classification was based on the vegetation structure and plant community. In total, 44 localities were sampled composed of 10 closed canopies, eight tree fallows, 11 shrub fallows, 10 degraded lands, and five reforestation plots. Fifteen chameleon species belonging to three genera were recorded. Ten species were found inside of closed canopy forest, only four species were encountered from shrub fallow and three from the degraded land. Species abundance changed across sites. Canopy and underground cover were identified as the main parameters that can affect the species' presence. However, forest loss by swidden agriculture is the main threat across the studied area. Restoration of degraded forest is vital because species richness and abundance increase from reforestation plots and the old regeneration vegetation.
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