Species diversity and distribution patterns of Hornbills (Bucerotiformes: Bucerotidae) in Pulau Banding, Perak, Malaysia
Morisita Index, Conservation Strategies, Seed Dispersal, Ecotourism, Habitat PreservationAbstract
Hornbills (Aves: Bucerotidae) play a crucial role in seed dispersal, essential for the maintenance of tropical rainforest biodiversity. This study aimed to document the species diversity and distribution patterns of hornbills in Pulau Banding, Perak, Malaysia, part of the Royal Belum State Park and the Belum-Temenggor Forest complex. Conducted in March 2023, the study established eight observation points spaced 600 meters apart. Hornbill species were identified through visual observations using Nikon Monarch 5 binoculars and by recognizing bird calls. The Morisita index was used to analyze distribution patterns, revealing an overall clumped distribution (Id = 1.60) across the island. The study recorded 45 individual hornbills representing five species: Oriental Pied Hornbill (Anthracoceros albirostris), Black Hornbill (Anthracoceros malayanus), Rhinoceros Hornbill (Buceros rhinoceros), Bushy-crested Hornbill (Anorrhinus galeritus), and Wreathed Hornbill (Rhyticeros subruficollis). Variation in sightings across observation points was attributed to resource availability, habitat preferences, and human disturbances. Points with abundant food resources, like fig trees, and lower human activity had higher hornbill sightings. Based on the findings, several conservation actions are recommended: habitat preservation, water resource management, anti-poaching measures, ecotourism development, community involvement, and the use of GPS tracking and remote sensing technologies. This study provides valuable data for local conservation initiatives and supports global efforts to mitigate the decline of hornbill populations. The findings can influence policy and conservation efforts, ensuring the continued presence of hornbills and promoting Pulau Banding as a sustainable area that benefits both the community and the ecosystem. Future research should focus on long-term monitoring and detailed ecological studies to further explore hornbill ecology and interactions in Pulau Banding.
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